Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#1 Always bring  a pencil

#2 Try your best even when you're tired 

#3 Never doubt yourself don't compare yourself to others 

#4 Don't be afraid to ask for help 

#5 Be open minded don't be stubborn 

#6 Always be open to judgment 

#7 Be informed 

#8 Exercise it's not hard it's liberating 

#9 Don't fall under the same bad habits of others 

#10 Just do your own thing don't be scared 

   Class Evaluation 

Some things i liked about this class was the scratch program and code academy i found those to be very helpful with my knowledge on computer programing. What i didn't like about the class was the 3 schools HTML website i found that to be very boring. One of my recommendations for the class would be to allow students to sit next to the person they like that way they be motivated by someone else to work harder. One of my highlights in this class was when we did the scratch programming i really liked that activity. If i'm being completely honest no i didn't do my best in this class in the beginning i came in working hard but towards the end i started slacking off. Yeah i am reading my life planning goals journals for at least 5 minutes a day however sometimes i do forget to open the journal. Yeah i am committed to being a CTR person i choose the right most of the time and i'm working on making the right choices all the time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              




Monday, June 5, 2017

                                Top 10 Rules  
                                  Steph Curry

Visualizing your goals

Be the hardest working person 

Stay confident 

Do it your way 

Be creative 

Stay in the moment 

Better yourself every day 

 Have an upbeat personality

Be the best version of yourself  

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The top 10 rules for success by Cristiano Ronaldo

1. Just Play

2.Be Competitive 

3.Always take on new challenges 

4. Know your priorities 

5. People will judge you 

6. Work Hard

7. Believe you are the best 

8. Play for the team

9. Enjoy the moments 

10. Have a sense of humor 

Image result for cristiano ronaldoEnduring and really making these rules a part of your life can impact you and the way you live forever. Why because these rules help you stay focused, determined, confident, and honest. They show you the good part of life and how to live it. Having humor is great because it allows you to enjoy life and not be so stubborn it also let's you make other people laugh and make you and others happy.

Monday, May 1, 2017

  1. Image result for self esteemThe Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
    “From self-love to self-worth

self esteem the ability to have confidence in yourself, have respect. 

2. The Seed of Creativity“Releasing your creative energy"

Image result for creativitycreativity helps you learn new things and experience many other things. With creativity you can do anything you want.

The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."

Image result for responsibility

Responsibility is key it makes you become a well liked and well known person. Why? because people know you're a responsible person which means they can trust you and for that they like you.

The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."

The Seed of PurposeThe gold mine in your goals”

Image result for communication
The Seed of Communication

       “Reach out and touch someone

Communication is good it helps establish a good healthy relationship. 

The Seed of Faith“The power of positive believing
Image result for faith

The seed of faith. Faith is believing something no matter what. For example many people have faith in the lord Jesus Christ they firmly believe that the lord will guide them and save them from anything. I happen to be one of those many people. Faith is a very powerful possession it helps you go through life without fear of failing because you know deep in your heart that you will succeed in your dreams no matter what happens, why? well because you have faith in yourself and as long as you keep that faith strong you believe that you're capable of doing anything.

The Seed of Adaptability

“Turning problems into opportunities”

The Seed of Perseverance“The will to win is everything”

10. The Seed of Perspective

“Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

Perspective just like all seeds it's an essential characteristic to have in order to be a CTR person and live a good life. Perspective is the way you view something if you have good perspective then you view things in a positive way your opinion towards things is not only correct but smart.People with good perspective are well liked, why? because they know that they can trust them because they have a good perspective on life and they know whats good and what's wrong.

Final Reflection:
 Write an overall final reflection in your Ten Seeds of Greatness post.  Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the ten seeds of greatness. 

The 10 seeds of greatness are very good because they really help benefit you in many ways by keeping you on the right tract and being the guide you need to become a CTR person.

#1 Always bring  a pencil #2 Try your best even when you're tired  #3 Never doubt yourself don't compare yourself to others  ...